Breuckmann Foundation
Alter Ortsweg 30
D 88709 Meersburg
Telefon: +49 (0)7532 9889
There is only one world to live in.
Support us, to conserve this world
In 2025 we will continue to focus on our activities in the field of "Family Planning
and Sexual and Reproductive Health in Karonga, Malawi". If you would like to donate
to this project, please enter the keyword "Family Planning". If you do not specify
a keyword, you will leave the use of your donation to us.
According to its statutes, the Breuckmann Foundation only pursues charitable and
benevolent purposes in accordance with the requirements of section “tax-beneficiary
purposes” of the German General Tax Code.
Therefore all your donations will support the goals and projects of the Breuckmann
Foundation and help to preserve the environment in which we all live. They are used
directly and in full for projects that are oriented towards the goals of our foundation.
As all members of the Breuckmann Foundation work on a voluntary basis, we have been
able to utilise more than 96% of all freely available funds for our projects in recent