Breuckmann Foundation
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Family Planning in Northern Malawi
Since 2013, we have financed projects in the area of family planning and Sexual and
Reproductive Health and Rights in northern Malawi, primarily in the Karonga district
and at times in cooperation with Plan International in the Mzuzu district, with a
total of around 500,000 euros. Some of these projects were funded by the BMZ (German
Federal Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation).
Since 2021, these projects have been implemented on site by our local partner, the
youth organisation Pamoza Tingakwaniska.
Sex education, family planning and
voluntary birth control
- save lives
- strengthen self-determination of women and girls
- support health care
- sustainably help to conserve our environment
The most important activities and goals of the FPP are:
- provision of detailed information on all family planning aspects to communities and
schools through mobilization strategies
- provision of full information on family planning to girls from adolescent stage and
provision of contraceptives to them
- to provide improved Youth Friendly Health Services
- to reduce the number of unwanted teenage pregnancies
- helping to reduce the still high population growth rate
- empowering of girls and women in their self-determination
- including the disadvantaged groups into the family planning programme, (e.g. the
disabled, aged and those living with HIV/AIDS)
- to build up mobile information centres where women and girls can ask for advice in
the areas of family planning, contraception and their overall right
- to operate mobile clinic with qualified medical staff, which can be used to reach
the population outside cities and larger settlements in particular and provide medical
advice and care.
Aktuelle News zum Familienplanungsprogramm