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Logo by Lisa Lorenz, Quarter to Seven

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Improvement of Youth Friendly Health Services

This situation gave rise to the concept of setting up a network of specially trained peer groups in a separate project. On the basis of this network, an improved range of Youth Friendly Health Services is to be ensured on a long-term and sustainable basis.

The most important figures of this new project:

Region:     Karonga and Chipita districts, Northern Malawi.

Duration:   July 2022 to December 2023

Budget:     approx. 98,000 €, including BMZ funding

Local partner:  Pamoza Tingakwaniska

Images © by Pamoza

In the context of our former projects we had to realize that the few existing youth clubs that are dealing with sexual health issues are largely dysfunctional. In addition, there are only very few contact persons for sexual and reproductive health ( SRHR ) issues in the youth clubs, the few that exist are not sufficiently trained and the individual clubs are not networking with each other.

The overall goal of this project is also to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, especially among teenagers, and thus to contribute to a reduction of the still very high population growth in Malawi.

The main objectives of this project:

Link to a summarizing  Video-Documentation

This project has helped reduce school drop-out cases that were caused by early pregnancies and early marriages. What the students are learning through this project is helping them to concentrate on their academics rather than on sexual relationships while in school. We wish this should be extended so that more students benefit.

Elizabeth Gondwe, Ngara Community Day Secondary School, Karonga