Breuckmann Foundation
Alter Ortsweg 30
D 88709 Meersburg
Telefon: +49 (0)7532 9889
Donation Account
Volksbank Überlingen
DE73 6906 1800 0006 3480 17
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Actual News on the Councelling Centre on SRHR and Family Planning Issues
Since the beginning of this year, we have also been carrying out targeted activities
for awareness-creation and public relations as part of this project. In particular,
these events are intended to draw attention to the full range of services to be offered
already at an early stage, i.e. before the POS centre opens. Another aim is to inform
the community about the individual services and encourage them to use them once the
POS centre has opened.
Despite all the progress and good news from Malawi, there is unfortunately also a
bad development: Inflation in Malawi is still over 30%, with food and fuel in particular
having risen disproportionately. Due to this high inflation, the costs of implementing
our projects have also risen significantly.
We have been granted an increase in our project budget for the POS centre by the
BMZ. However, we have to bear 25% of the costs ourselves.
Please continue to support us, our projects and the people of Malawi with your donations.
Every donation helps.
End of 2023 we have started a new project, for which we are receiving funding from
the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The establishment of a counselling, information and service centre on sexual and
reproductive health and family planning issues in Northern Malawi
This Pamoza One Stop Centre ( POS Centre ) will create a safe space where young people
will have access to Youth Friendly Health Services ( YFHS ) and information on Sexual
and on Reproductive Health and Rights ( SRHR ) in a confidential environment.
However, heavy rainfall and the resulting severe flooding delayed the start of the
construction work. In particular, the access road to the building site had become
inaccessible, meaning that we had to reinforce it at our own expense so that the
required materials could be delivered to the building site on time and the workers
had safe access again.
Although the construction works did not start until the beginning of April due to
these problems, the building of the POS centre has now been largely completed and
we expect the POS to be opened in the second quarter of 2025 as planned.
In order to ensure the acceptance and support of the public and the administration,
two events were held in parallel to the construction activities and their preparations.
With these events local authorities, representatives of various authorities and organisations
as well as health facilities and in particular the District Executive Committee (DEC)
were informed about the project and involved in it.
We will also be dependend from your help and donations in the future in order to
continue our projects successfully and to be able to overcome unexpected problems.